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Networking Technology - 2 sessional - 2 paper of year 2004

Posted By: Milind Mishra     Category: Networking     Views: 1428

Networking Technology - 2 sessional - 2 paper of year 2004

Answer any 25 of the following in brief.              (25)
1.What is the need for foreign agent discovery process in Mobile IP?
2.What is the problem when communicating with the home network by the mobile device?
3.Give any two reasons why NAT should not be used.
4.What is the need for additional information section in DNS?
5.How inverse mapping is provided in DNS?
6.What is the need for NVT in Telnet protocol?
7.Why Suppress-GA is required in Telnet?
8.Why FTP requires two ports to work?
9.What is the role of RPC in NFS?
10.Why Alias expansion is required for INCOMING mails?
11.Give a single example how capability negotiation takes place in HTTP.
12.Give a single example of conditional requests in HTTP.
13.Give one example to indicate need for Information policy in the organization.
14.What is security association in IPSec?
15.What is a stub network?
16.Why BOOTP is considered better protocol then RARP? Give at least two reasons.
17.What is the need for vendor specific field in BOOTP? 
18.How DHCP is made backward compatible with BOOTP?
19.How VPN provides the same security as a private network?
20.How Silly window syndrome is avoided in TCP?
21.What is the need for pseudo terminal driver availability for telnet?
22.Explain the term Macro Mobility.
23.Explain what is two crossing problem.
24.What is port mapped NAT?
25.In Domain name system, the name of the domain is sent in a compressed form. How compression is made here?
26.Give a single example of telnet option negotiation.
27.Why FTP requires sending port numbers as data?
28.Why MIME was required?
29.Why a special support for proxy server is provided in HTTP?
30.What is the weakest link axiom?
31.What is time-wait state in TCP state machine mean?
32.Why a foreign agent can provide one of its own addresses to a visiting client?


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Milind Mishra
Milind Mishra author of Networking Technology - 2 sessional - 2 paper of year 2004 is from India.
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