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Milind - Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems university paper...Feb 23
Milind - Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems university paper...Feb 23
Milind - System Analysis & Design university paper of year 2002Feb 23
Milind - System Analysis & Design university paper of year 2001Feb 23
Milind - System Analysis & Design university paper of year 2000Feb 23
Milind - System Analysis & Design university paper of year 1999Feb 23
Milind - System Analysis & Design university paper of year 1998Feb 23
Milind - System Analysis & Design university paper of year 1997Feb 23
Milind - Object Oriented Analysis & Design Methods university paper...Feb 23
Milind - Object Oriented Analysis & Design Methods university paper...Feb 23
Milind - Object Oriented Analysis & Design Methods university paper...Feb 23
Milind - Networking Technologies - 2 university paper - 1 of year 2002Feb 23
Milind - Networking Technologies - 2 university paper - 1 of year 1999Feb 23
Milind - Networking Technologies - 2 university paper - 1 of year 1998Feb 23
Milind - Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems university paper...Feb 23
Milind - Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems university paper...Feb 23
Milind - Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems university paper...Feb 23
Milind - Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems university paper...Feb 23
Milind - Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems university paper...Feb 23
Milind - Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems university paper...Feb 23
Shruti - How would you select group of worksheets?Jan 20
Shruti - State whether true or false. Give the reasons for your...Jan 20
Shruti - List the four ways you can change column width?Jan 20
Shruti - Why does excel display number signs(###) in a cell?Jan 20
Shruti - How can you create a style by example? Explain.Jan 20
Shruti - How would you hide column in Excel?Jan 20
Shruti - Name the function, which can get you the current date.Jan 20
Shruti - What are the different types of charts available in Excel?Jan 20
Shruti - How can you select a row, a column or an entire sheet in...Jan 20
Shruti - What is a cell reference? How many different types of cell...Jan 20
Shruti - What is a range? How can you name ranges?Jan 20
Shruti - How can you copy an entire worksheet to another worksheet ?Jan 20
Shruti - What are macro actions? Name any two actions provided by...Jan 20
Shruti - Is it possible to run a macro from within another macro? If...Jan 20
Shruti - What are macro actions? Name any two actions provided by...Jan 20
Shruti - Differentiate between crosstab query & Action query.Jan 20
Shruti - What do you understand by indexing in Access?Jan 20
Shruti - What are the different types of forms that you can create in...Jan 20
Shruti - Differentiate between select Query & parameter Query.Jan 20
Shruti - Distinguish between Select query and Action Query, Database...Jan 20
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