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Is it possible to run a macro from within another macro? If so, how will you do it?

  Shared By: Shruti Sharma    Date: Jan 20    Category: MS Office    Views: 837


To run a macro from another macro or from a Visual Basic procedure, add the RunMacro action to your macro or procedure.

• To add the RunMacro action to a macro, click RunMacro in the action list in a blank action row, and set the Macro Name argument to the name of the macro you want to run.

• To add the RunMacro action to a Visual Basic procedure, add the RunMacro method of the DoCmd object to your procedure, and specify the name of the macro you want to run; for example, the following RunMacro method runs the macro My Macro:
DoCmd.RunMacro "My Macro"


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