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Object Oriented Analysis & Design Methods second sessional paper - 1 of year 2003

Posted By: Milind Mishra     Category: OOAD     Views: 1538

Object Oriented Analysis & Design Methods second sessional paper - 1 of year 2003.


(a)Develop a small RMI application for getting the final total price of the shopping list with some of the following items and quantities chosen by the user from the client side. On the server, the item list contains the prices. As example – potatoes 17 Rs per 5 kg, tomatoes 8 Rs per kg, onions 20 Rs per 5 kg, and spinach 12 Rs per kg, etc.[8]
(b)What are object web and CORBA/Java ORB? Describe in detail the communication and message passing for object web, along with diagrams.[7]



(a)Develop a servlet application with HTML form asking user to input an integer. The response HTML page should show the integer and all the prime numbers smaller than that input integer. Also with next client request, it should show all previous output prime number lists as well as current prime number list. HINT: use the session tracking capabilities of servlets[8]
(b)Explain in detail why CORBA ORB is a good choice for client/server middleware in terms of benefits of CROBA/ORB over RPC. [7]


(a)How RMI is different than CORBA in terms of sending data to the other side over the network? Explain the underlying mechanism for that in detail.[5]
(b)Explain the servletconfig and servletcontext object.[5]
(c)Explain the different views in UML for modeling a system’s architecture. Also describe related diagrams for each view.[5]



(a)Write a note on UnicastRemoteObject and its importance in RMI.[5]
(b)Compare Servlets with CGI.[5]
(c)Explain with example, how new building blocks, new properties and new semantics can be modeled in UML. [5]

Q-3 )Student Admission system includes students Pre-Registration, Registration, Entrance exam schedule, Entrance Exam result, Student selection for admission and Student admission. 

Make suitable assumptions, write them clearly. (Any 5)
(1)Draw use case diagram. Use actor, generalization, include and extend.
(2)Write a use case in detail.
(3)For detailed written use case, draw the activity diagram. Use swimlane, branch, fork, join, and object flow.
(4)Draw class diagram. Use generalization, aggregation, qualifier, roles and multiplicity
(5)For detailed written use case, draw the sequence diagram, using the classes defined in the class diagram. Use focus of control, condition.
(6)For another use case, draw the collaboration diagram. Use sequence, stereotypes.


Milind Mishra
Milind Mishra author of Object Oriented Analysis & Design Methods second sessional paper - 1 of year 2003 is from India.
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