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Object Oriented Analysis & Design Methods first sessional paper - 1 of year 2002

Posted By: Milind Mishra     Category: OOAD     Views: 1675

Object Oriented Analysis & Design Methods first sessional paper - 1 of year 2002


(a)State the following statement is true or false with reason. Answer without proper reason is not subject to marks. (any 5)
(1)Honda city car is an object as well as a class.
(2)To implement multiple inheritance, workaround should be used.
(3)Role names reduce the effective multiplicity of an association.
(4)A scenario is an instance of a use case.
(5)Sequence diagram and collaboration diagram are semantically same.
(6)Aggregation can be used as extension as well as restriction.
(7)Derived attributes, derived links and derived objects are completely determined by other attributes, links and objects, respectively.[10]
(b)Explain the following terms briefly and clearly with example. (Any 4)[4]
(2)Dependency in UML
(5)Link attribute
(6)Functional model


(a)Give the Difference. (any 2)
(1)Aggregation in object model vs. aggregation in dynamic model
(2)Procedural sequence vs. flat sequence
(3)Forward engineering vs. reverse engineering[6]
(b)What is action? What is activity? What is the difference between them? Which are the different types of action and/or activities are attached to a state? What can be the order of execution?[4]
(c)How use cases can be organized by specifying generalization, include and extend relationships among them? Explain with the example of library system.[4]



(a)Write short-notes. (Any 2)
(1)Overriding operations
(3)Extensibility mechanism in UML[6]
(b)How generalization can be used in a dynamic model ? Explain with library example.[4]
(c)Define Diagram. How different diagrams are used in UML (1) to model different views of a system, and (2) to model different levels of abstraction. Explain with library example.[4]

Q-3 )Consider an application for laying out question papers of various subject which will be used by 
teachers. Draw following diagrams (Any 4).

(1)use case diagram. Use actor, generalization, include and extend relationships.
(2)Write a use case in detail. For that use case, write a scenario.
(3)activity diagram. Use swimlane, branch, fork, join, and object flow.
(4)Class diagram. Use generalization, aggregation, qualifier, roles and multiplicity
(5)Sequence diagram. Use focus of control, condition.[12]


Milind Mishra
Milind Mishra author of Object Oriented Analysis & Design Methods first sessional paper - 1 of year 2002 is from India.
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