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Object Oriented Analysis & Design Methods first sessional paper - 1 of year 2003

Posted By: Milind Mishra     Category: OOAD     Views: 1783

Object Oriented Analysis & Design Methods first sessional paper - 1 of year 2003.


(a)Differentiate following with proper examples. Explain clearly which should be preferred (your viewpoints) in which situations. [ any 3 ]
(1)Generalization as extension Vs. generalization as restriction
(2)Polymorphism Vs. Homomorphism
(3)State diagram with generalization Vs. state diagram with aggregation
(4)Dynamic model Vs. Functional Model[12]
(b)Draw the class diagram, event-trace diagram and state diagram for following system.
“ Petrol station is to be set up for fully automated operation. Drivers swipe their credit card through a reader connected to the pump, the card is verified by communication with a credit company computer and a fuel limit established. The driver may then take the fuel required. When fuel delivery is complete and the pump hose is returned to its holster, the driver's credit card account is debited with the cost of the fuel taken. The credit card is returned after debiting. If the card is invalid, it is returned by the pump before fuel is dispensed.”[8]


(a)Prepare a list of objects for the following systems. (at least 6-8 objects)
(1)Controller for automated and remote controlled car safety system
(2)Inventory management system for a bookstore
(3)Program for FTP server using datagrams[6]
(b)Describe internal actions and sending events to other objects, with examples.[5]




(a)Discuss what objects in each list have in common. Add at least TWO new objects in each.
(1)Speakers, headphone, public addressing system, amplifier, .mp3 file
(2)Toolbar, button, checkbox, applet, DHTML script
(3)Scarf, sweater, gloves, umbrella, roof, sunglasses
(4)Operation, qualifier, role, association, generalization, polymorphism
(5)Main memory, keyboard controller, accumulator, interrupt controller, BIOS
(6)Tent, cave, skyscraper, garage, shed[6]
(b)Describe concurrency within an object and synchronization of concurrent activities with examples.[5]
(c)Explain accidental multiple inheritance and workaround for it, with detailed example.[4]


(a)Explain OMG Object Management architecture with figure and describe each element in detail with examples.[6]
(b)Write a CORBA program for calculating area of a circle on server side, when a client sends request along with given radius value and then displaying result on client side.[5]
(c)Write a short note on Java Sockets 101.[4]



(a)Explain the anatomy of CORBA ORB with figure and describe each element in detail with static invocation example.[6]
(b)Write a CORBA program, which calculates the date difference between the client system date and server system date and shows the result on client side.[5]
(c)Write a short note on CGI 101.[4]


Milind Mishra
Milind Mishra author of Object Oriented Analysis & Design Methods first sessional paper - 1 of year 2003 is from India.
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