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9.10 to 10.4 : screen resolution problem

  Date: Dec 03    Category: Unix / Linux / Ubuntu    Views: 415

Just upgraded yesterday (beta 2 version) on a laptop with SIS Mirage 3 Graphics
card (SIS 771/671 chip) with two problems only :
- on the grub2 menu (with Windows XP working OK) at startup only the X menu is
working, I cannot use the alternate (console) menu, which means it will be hard
to work a deteriorated situation ;
- I used 1024x768 video on Karmic but I can only work 800x600 now. I tried to
download drivers from SIS web page but they just don't propose them, amazing !
and everything else I tried for the moment from several forums failed. The only
way I found to get a decent screen was to decrease the number of points in the
police menu.
Any idea ?



2 Answers Found

Answer #1    Answered On: Dec 03    

I found the answer and could download the good driver there :


It even works better than it did on Karmic as I have now a 1280*800 screen.
My only remaining problem with the Lucid upgrade is that on the "grub2" menu,
the second choice "recovery" does not work, which means I cannot currently
recover from a severe crash but I hope it will improve as Lucid is more and more

Answer #2    Answered On: Dec 03    

A tentative solution to my second problem, which will allow me to wait until my
"grub2" menu is working on both standard Linux startup and on Recovery (Recovery
failing now) : I just created a bootable USB key
with the "System" "Administration" "Start Disk Creator". This allows me to boot
my computer on this USB key, then using "sudo" apply modifications to the
failing file, for exemple xorg.conf, which does not allow a clean startup.

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