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floppy drive in ubnutu 9.10

  Date: Dec 04    Category: Unix / Linux / Ubuntu    Views: 370

I was trying to use the fd on a
IBM G41 with no luck. Then used
a USB Floppy Drive. It worked.
It is a "little" slow but I can
read the disks.



2 Answers Found

Answer #1    Answered On: Dec 04    

remember to unmount the disk otherwise you will
have to unplug the usb and start over

Answer #2    Answered On: Dec 04    

Yes, my linux guru offered the same suggestion if nothing
else. Of course, in the end it'd be no more difficult than
booting DOS or doze and circumventing linux altogether. But
the simple compromise I came up with was to dd the floppy to
a temporary directory, mount the image, then I can drag and
drop from there.

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