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Suddenly lost all sound in Ubuntu 9.10

  Date: Jan 09    Category: Unix / Linux / Ubuntu    Views: 431

After switching on my PC yesterday,I have lost all sound and cannot play any of
the music I have on my hard drive which I was able to play the day before with
VLC and alsa.
I note that I believe this has happened after an UPDATE was installed..can
someone please advise me how I can get my sound back? as I cant find anyway to
check this as SOUND isnt listed either in Preferences or Administration,so I
cant find out how to check my sound card which I know is an NVIDIA MCP61.



3 Answers Found

Answer #1    Answered On: Jan 09    

Is there a reason you haven't updated to Ubuntu 10.04 or 10.10 yet on this

Answer #2    Answered On: Jan 09    

Check to see if your audio control is just muted. I had a similar problem and
had to go to audio control and unmute each time. I never resolved this
irritating default setting but I had to do other things.

Answer #3    Answered On: Jan 09    

On the top panel, toward the right, you should have a speaker icon. When you
click on it, one of the options might be "Sound Preferences."

I *think* nVidia MCP61 describes a motherboard, and your sound adapter is
probably a Realtek ALC888. If you open Accessories/Terminal and enter the
command: lspci
it will list many of your devices, and one of them is probably your sound

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