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Ubuntu 9.10 Epson Stylus C66 Printer Problem

  Date: Nov 26    Category: Unix / Linux / Ubuntu    Views: 603

I have been running 9.10 for some time and my Epson C66 printer has been
printing perfectly using default CUPS printing driver only until all of a sudden
it wont print?I have checked the preferred printer option and my printer shows
up ok as the default.I thought that perhaps a recent system update might have
caused the problem so I installed the linux printer driver from the Epson
website[think its called gutenprint]but its made no difference,and the printer
still wont print.I get the usual printer options box come up on the screen press
print and nothing!just says its PAUSED/ accepting jobs and there are two jobs in
the queue.



4 Answers Found

Answer #1    Answered On: Nov 26    

You might have a problem with the printer itself. To check ,use it on
another PC with a different OS and take it from there.

Answer #2    Answered On: Nov 26    

Most printers have an internal self test that doesn't even need a computer
to be attached. Try and activate this to see if it is the printer itself
that is at fault. Also, try swapping cables; they are well seated in their
sockets aren't they?

Answer #3    Answered On: Nov 26    

In my experience a printer shows a status of "Paused" when the user has paused
the queue. If the printer is having trouble, it generally shows as "Off-line"
or some variation that lets you clearly know that the printer is unhappy.

OTOH, it could be that the printer has reached end-of-life. Let's face it - a
$70.00 printer isn't exactly made of cast iron.

Answer #4    Answered On: Nov 26    

What lights are showing on the printer ? It may be that the waste ink
tank counter has tripped and you'll get no more printing until this is
dealt with ( reset the counter and check the waste ink pads ).

There's a sequence of button pushing to reset the counter but if you
don't check the waste pads ( which entails a partial dismantling of
the printer ) then you risk waste ink overflowing and making a mess !

Overall you might not think it's worth the hassle and replace the
printer, but if disposing of perfectly good equipment for the sake of
a bit of effort appeals then have a go - the worst you can do is break
the printer but it's not working anyway

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