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kubuntu/ubuntu 9.10/windows 7 install problem

  Date: Dec 06    Category: Unix / Linux / Ubuntu    Views: 461

i tried running ubuntu9.10 and kubuntu9.10 alongside windows 7 and they
installed but it goes straight to windows 7 w/o my consent



3 Answers Found

Answer #1    Answered On: Dec 06    

Do you get a menu that appears before it loads Windows 7? Have you
successfully booted into Ubuntu? What changes did you make on the Windows 7
side that may have overwritten the boot loader?

The solution depends on whether grub still exists. If it no longer exists
but once did then you need to use the Live CD to re-write grub. If it still
exists then we need to figure out what it is doing and why you can't get
into (K)Ubuntu.

Another problem is whether this is going to be a chronic problem with
Windows 7 not playing well with sharing the drive with another OS. Does your
computer have a boot manager that allows you to choose which drive to boot
from by pressing the ESC key or similar? If so you could add a second drive
and put Ubuntu on it and writing the boot loader to the second drive then
when you boot you would need to use the ESC key to boot your second drive.
This is just a thought about what to do if Windows 7 continues to not play

Answer #2    Answered On: Dec 06    

I can load ubuntu and kubuntu with the cd on the boot from first disk option but
it is a hassle

Answer #3    Answered On: Dec 06    

Did you install Ubuntu from a fresh installation or upgrade from 9.04? It
makes a difference because there are two versions of grub. Ubuntu 9.10 uses
grub2, but only if you install from scratch. If you upgrade it keeps legacy

To rewrite grub2 follow the instructions here in section 12:

To rewrite legacy grub follow instructions here:
Look for the section called Backup, Repairing and Reinstalling GRUB. This is
one time where the commandline is easier so go with it.

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