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Ubuntu/Kubuntu Varients..Installing a WiFi Network Printer

  Date: Feb 11    Category: Unix / Linux / Ubuntu    Views: 662

I am pretty sure this has been asked before,but I am asking again as I
just cant get my Epson SX515W All In One Printer Scanner to Print a Test Page
connected Wirelessly.I currently have 4 PC's running Ubuntu
11.10 XFC and a FEDORA 16 OS

The only way they will print is by connecting them to the printer with a USB
Cable then printing is immediate.
I think the problem lies in allocating a PORT as each time I try to set up the
Operating system via Printer Set Up ,the printer is FOUND on IP but
its listed as a USB connection though the USB Cable is disconnected?
Unlike Windows where you can manually ADD and Set Up a PORT I cant see how to do
this in UBUNTU.
Can anyone with more experience than myself give me some assistance or is there
a Tutorial on this subject
PS Although Epson provide a Linux Driver for this Printer they do not provide
any OnLine Support[only for Windows and Mac]



2 Answers Found

Answer #1    Answered On: Feb 11    


Looks like you require a driver. Yea! there is am Linux driver for it.

Answer #2    Answered On: Feb 11    

I have the correct driver installed for this printer?