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no sound on kubuntu; have sound on windows partion side

  Date: Dec 19    Category: Unix / Linux / Ubuntu    Views: 433

amarok says no audio channels
xine states it can't initialize audio drivers

i've tried to download a newer version of alsa but i get to the last
command "make" and i get a bash that states that CFLAGGS has been
changed in documents and settings and i need to use EXTRA_CFLAGGS

my son is the expert and he has no idea where or what this is?



3 Answers Found

Answer #1    Answered On: Dec 19    

one thing i learnt with ubuntu is that during
installation if one makes an error and goes back a screen it seems to
upset things. I had someone on another group who has update problems
with 8.04 - i don't. I did have update problems with 7.10 when i
installed another desktop environment and then removed it. Shouldn't
have given trouble but did - somewhere there was a glitch.

I don't think it is an installation problem - some glitch that isn't
probably worth wasting time and effort on to be honest. Another
installation is a solution but that goes without saying - i know "it
goes against the grain" but saves you less time in the end. See if you
get the same problem or try ubuntu. I had trouble with another distro
on the same machine that ran ubuntu perfectly and loads of problems.
I've got three machines and each one runs ubuntu fine.

Answer #2    Answered On: Dec 19    

been working oodles of over time. OK with that said. Please open up
the terminal and type in or just copy and paste. Enter
aplay --list-devices

Please post back on what it has found. Then we can go from there.

Answer #3    Answered On: Dec 19    

I don't know if 8.04 still has the issue, but I do know that Ubuntu has
some issues with Intel sound cards. If thats the case, this will fix
your problems. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=416207

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