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choppy sound when email comes in

  Date: Dec 17    Category: Unix / Linux / Ubuntu    Views: 443

I have been listening to online conferences today and when ever a email
comes in it gets super choppy - to the point of not understanding a thing.

As anyone noticed that on their system?



1 Answer Found

Answer #1    Answered On: Dec 17    

I couldn't sleep and checked the ol' group and you have a question;
how rare! I've seen and experienced this on Winbloz boxes, with Task
Manager running and have seen the CPU spike. The other possibility
is that the streaming feed is being interrupted to save the email.
This would mean an I/O capacity issue.

Anyhow, I'm still at the EPA in Ann Arbor, MI and have one class to
go to get my Finance degree, not tooo bad for 56, it's only taken me
and extra 30 years to finish! Enjoy!

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