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Ham radio vs sound card

  Date: Dec 11    Category: Unix / Linux / Ubuntu    Views: 404

Problem: Clicking in audio output when using any of several different ham radio
programs. The programs had worked fine for a long time until yesterday.

1) Sound out has clicking only with ham software, music CD's play o.k. (Music
using "Rhythumbox 0.11.5)

2) Problem ocurs either with UBUNTU 8.04 installed on the hard drive, or with
Puppy Linux running in RAM. (Pupppy loaded after cold boot)

3) Computer is Gateway "Essential", reset CMOS to defaults but didn't help.

4) Think the problem happened after a web page prompted me to load "Real Player"
which I did but can't find it on the hard drive to remove and hard could it
affect Puppy running in RAM?

5) Clicking varies in rate depending on software used but about 1 or 2 times per

Any ideas?



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