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Sound Card problem solved

  Date: Dec 11    Category: Unix / Linux / Ubuntu    Views: 512

A week ago I asked about help for my problem of a silent onboard sound card in
an HP machine. After working fine for a long time it suddenly went missing,
although by booting from a live distro the sound was fine. I got some
suggestions but none solved the problem.

I'm quite proud of myself for finding the correct answer and getting things back
to normal. Actually, it was all found in the Ubuntu Forums at
http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=205449 . I was a bit apprehensive since
it was a procedure posted in 2006 but it worked. It took multiple steps and I
had to recompile the ALSA drivers, which took a long time but it worked

The moral of the story is that our best friend is the internet search engine and
in this case it worked. I've had some problems that weren't solved so easily and
have always appreciated the help and encouragement I've found on this group.
Sometimes you just have to keep trying until the pieces fall into place. Don't
give up!

I'm more than ever convinced that Linux, especially Ubuntu, is the wave of the
future. I've learned so much over the past 15 months and I'm really happy with
the way my 3 Ubuntu machines are set up now. If I can do this at age 69 then
anybody can!



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