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Login Window sounds

  Date: Dec 19    Category: Unix / Linux / Ubuntu    Views: 327

I'm trying to change the Login Window sounds (System-Admin-Login
Window) and it's only working with wavs already in the
/usr/share/sounds folder, while changing the regular system sounds
worked fine.

I can't drag/drop or copy-paste any new files into that folder, likely
because of permission problems (properties says I don't own it).

Is there any easy (non-terminal-root stuff) way to fix this, to allow
me to move files into that folder so that I can add custom sounds to
Login Window? Or otherwise fix this bug?



2 Answers Found

Answer #1    Answered On: Dec 19    

get the gksu package from synaptic and restart.

that adds an "open as administrator" option to the right click on

then you use that with your login password.

quick easy terminal approach would be to "sudo nautilus" in the
terminal which will open a root file browser window which will allow
you to navigate to the target folder and drop whatever you like in it.

remember to close the root file browser window as soon as you are done
with it to avoid accidents.

Answer #2    Answered On: Dec 19    

I tried the gksu, but it shows to be already loaded, and I can't seem
to right click like you said. This is my original Ubuntu machine
which I use for testing/learning. I did use Sudo Nautilus which
worked great, but I think now that the sound files I downloaded aren't
working because of them being 8-bit low quality (a guess). Some of
them work partially for Login, but most don't. I had already matched
the permission settings to the stock sound files, so that's not it.
I'll try to re-format the sounds, or import other 16-bit sounds files
to see if those work.

At least I found out how to get rid of that NetworkManager error
screen when shutting down, by searching for more answers.

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