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Program to maintain an AVL tree

Posted By: Adela Fischer     Category: C Programming     Views: 13784

Program to maintain an AVL tree.

Code for Program to maintain an AVL tree in C Programming

#include <stdio.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include <alloc.h>

#define FALSE 0
#define TRUE 1

struct AVLNode
    int data ;
    int balfact ;
    struct AVLNode *left ;
    struct AVLNode *right ;
} ;

struct AVLNode * buildtree ( struct AVLNode *, int, int * ) ;
struct AVLNode * deldata ( struct AVLNode *, int, int * ) ;
struct AVLNode * del ( struct AVLNode *, struct AVLNode *, int * ) ;
struct AVLNode * balright ( struct AVLNode *, int * ) ;
struct AVLNode * balleft ( struct AVLNode *, int * ) ;
void display ( struct AVLNode * ) ;
void deltree ( struct AVLNode * ) ;

void main( )
    struct AVLNode *avl = NULL ;
    int h ;

    clrscr( ) ;

    avl = buildtree ( avl, 20, &h ) ;
    avl = buildtree ( avl, 6, &h ) ;
    avl = buildtree ( avl, 29, &h ) ;
    avl = buildtree ( avl, 5, &h ) ;
    avl = buildtree ( avl, 12, &h ) ;
    avl = buildtree ( avl, 25, &h ) ;
    avl = buildtree ( avl, 32, &h ) ;
    avl = buildtree ( avl, 10, &h ) ;
    avl = buildtree ( avl, 15, &h ) ;
    avl = buildtree ( avl, 27, &h ) ;
    avl = buildtree ( avl, 13, &h ) ;

    printf ( "\nAVL tree:\n" ) ;
    display ( avl ) ;

    avl = deldata ( avl, 20, &h ) ;
    avl = deldata ( avl, 12, &h ) ;

    printf ( "\nAVL tree after deletion of a node:\n" ) ;
    display ( avl ) ;

    deltree ( avl ) ;

    getch( ) ;

/* inserts an element into tree */
struct AVLNode * buildtree ( struct AVLNode *root, int data, int *h ) { struct AVLNode *node1, *node2 ; if ( !root ) { root = ( struct AVLNode * ) malloc ( sizeof ( struct AVLNode ) ) ; root -> data = data ; root -> left = NULL ; root -> right = NULL ; root -> balfact = 0 ; *h = TRUE ; return ( root ) ; } if ( data < root -> data ) { root -> left = buildtree ( root -> left, data, h ) ; /* If left subtree is higher */
if ( *h ) { switch ( root -> balfact ) { case 1: node1 = root -> left ; if ( node1 -> balfact == 1 ) { printf ( "\nRight rotation along %d.", root -> data ) ; root -> left = node1 -> right ; node1 -> right = root ; root -> balfact = 0 ; root = node1 ; } else { printf ( "\nDouble rotation, left along %d", node1 -> data ) ; node2 = node1 -> right ; node1 -> right = node2 -> left ; printf ( " then right along %d.\n", root -> data ) ; node2 -> left = node1 ; root -> left = node2 -> right ; node2 -> right = root ; if ( node2 -> balfact == 1 ) root -> balfact = -1 ; else root -> balfact = 0 ; if ( node2 -> balfact == -1 ) node1 -> balfact = 1 ; else node1 -> balfact = 0 ; root = node2 ; } root -> balfact = 0 ; *h = FALSE ; break ; case 0: root -> balfact = 1 ; break ; case -1: root -> balfact = 0 ; *h = FALSE ; } } } if ( data > root -> data ) { root -> right = buildtree ( root -> right, data, h ) ; /* If the right subtree is higher */
if ( *h ) { switch ( root -> balfact ) { case 1: root -> balfact = 0 ; *h = FALSE ; break ; case 0: root -> balfact = -1 ; break; case -1: node1 = root -> right ; if ( node1 -> balfact == -1 ) { printf ( "\nLeft rotation along %d.", root -> data ) ; root -> right = node1 -> left ; node1 -> left = root ; root -> balfact = 0 ; root = node1 ; } else { printf ( "\nDouble rotation, right along %d", node1 -> data ) ; node2 = node1 -> left ; node1 -> left = node2 -> right ; node2 -> right = node1 ; printf ( " then left along %d.\n", root -> data ) ; root -> right = node2 -> left ; node2 -> left = root ; if ( node2 -> balfact == -1 ) root -> balfact = 1 ; else root -> balfact = 0 ; if ( node2 -> balfact == 1 ) node1 -> balfact = -1 ; else node1 -> balfact = 0 ; root = node2 ; } root -> balfact = 0 ; *h = FALSE ; } } } return ( root ) ; } /* deletes an item from the tree */
struct AVLNode * deldata ( struct AVLNode *root, int data, int *h ) { struct AVLNode *node ; if ( !root ) { printf ( "\nNo such data." ) ; return ( root ) ; } else { if ( data < root -> data ) { root -> left = deldata ( root -> left, data, h ) ; if ( *h ) root = balright ( root, h ) ; } else { if ( data > root -> data ) { root -> right = deldata ( root -> right, data, h ) ; if ( *h ) root = balleft ( root, h ) ; } else { node = root ; if ( node -> right == NULL ) { root = node -> left ; *h = TRUE ; free ( node ) ; } else { if ( node -> left == NULL ) { root = node -> right ; *h = TRUE ; free ( node ) ; } else { node -> right = del ( node -> right, node, h ) ; if ( *h ) root = balleft ( root, h ) ; } } } } } return ( root ) ; } struct AVLNode * del ( struct AVLNode *succ, struct AVLNode *node, int *h ) { struct AVLNode *temp = succ ; if ( succ -> left != NULL ) { succ -> left = del ( succ -> left, node, h ) ; if ( *h ) succ = balright ( succ, h ) ; } else { temp = succ ; node -> data = succ -> data ; succ = succ -> right ; free ( temp ) ; *h = TRUE ; } return ( succ ) ; } /* balances the tree, if right sub-tree is higher */
struct AVLNode * balright ( struct AVLNode *root, int *h ) { struct AVLNode *node1, *node2 ; switch ( root -> balfact ) { case 1: root -> balfact = 0 ; break; case 0: root -> balfact = -1 ; *h = FALSE ; break; case -1: node1 = root -> right ; if ( node1 -> balfact <= 0 ) { printf ( "\nLeft rotation along %d.", root -> data ) ; root -> right = node1 -> left ; node1 -> left = root ; if ( node1 -> balfact == 0 ) { root -> balfact = -1 ; node1 -> balfact = 1 ; *h = FALSE ; } else { root -> balfact = node1 -> balfact = 0 ; } root = node1 ; } else { printf ( "\nDouble rotation, right along %d", node1 -> data ); node2 = node1 -> left ; node1 -> left = node2 -> right ; node2 -> right = node1 ; printf ( " then left along %d.\n", root -> data ); root -> right = node2 -> left ; node2 -> left = root ; if ( node2 -> balfact == -1 ) root -> balfact = 1 ; else root -> balfact = 0 ; if ( node2 -> balfact == 1 ) node1 -> balfact = -1 ; else node1 -> balfact = 0 ; root = node2 ; node2 -> balfact = 0 ; } } return ( root ) ; } /* balances the tree, if left sub-tree is higher */
struct AVLNode * balleft ( struct AVLNode *root, int *h ) { struct AVLNode *node1, *node2 ; switch ( root -> balfact ) { case -1: root -> balfact = 0 ; break ; case 0: root -> balfact = 1 ; *h = FALSE ; break ; case 1: node1 = root -> left ; if ( node1 -> balfact >= 0 ) { printf ( "\nRight rotation along %d.", root -> data ) ; root -> left = node1 -> right ; node1 -> right = root ; if ( node1 -> balfact == 0 ) { root -> balfact = 1 ; node1 -> balfact = -1 ; *h = FALSE ; } else { root -> balfact = node1 -> balfact = 0 ; } root = node1 ; } else { printf ( "\nDouble rotation, left along %d", node1 -> data ) ; node2 = node1 -> right ; node1 -> right = node2 -> left ; node2 -> left = node1 ; printf ( " then right along %d.\n", root -> data ) ; root -> left = node2 -> right ; node2 -> right = root ; if ( node2 -> balfact == 1 ) root -> balfact = -1 ; else root -> balfact = 0 ; if ( node2-> balfact == -1 ) node1 -> balfact = 1 ; else node1 -> balfact = 0 ; root = node2 ; node2 -> balfact = 0 ; } } return ( root ) ; } /* displays the tree in-order */
void display ( struct AVLNode *root ) { if ( root != NULL ) { display ( root -> left ) ; printf ( "%d\t", root -> data ) ; display ( root -> right ) ; } } /* deletes the tree */
void deltree ( struct AVLNode *root ) { if ( root != NULL ) { deltree ( root -> left ) ; deltree ( root -> right ) ; } free ( root ) ; }

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Adela Fischer
Adela Fischer author of Program to maintain an AVL tree is from Frankfurt, Germany.
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