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Bill generator

Posted By: Thomas Evans     Category: C Programming     Views: 8148

The idea is that as soon as the customer purchases-some goods his shop, he will supply the description, unit price and the quantity purchased each item, as input to the computer. He wants that with this information, the computer should print each item along with its unit price,quantity purchased and the total price. Finally, the computer should also print the total cost of all the items purchased by the customer. Assuming that a sentinel value of zero is used for the quantity purchased field in the trailer record, Write a program using structures/file to do this job.

Code for Bill generator in C Programming

#include <stdio.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include "valid.c"struct purch_detail
  char item_desc[20];
  int unit_price;
  int qty;

  void display();
  void entryData();
  void readFile();
  void getName(char *str);
  void getWriteFileName(char *);
  void getReadFileName(char *);
  void getzeroInteger(char *_chr, int *_value);

  int count=0;
  int total_price=0;
  int total_amt=0;
  char option;
  char filename [14];
  FILE *fp;
  struct purch_detail *pd_ptr, *tmptr;

  void main()
      pd_ptr = (struct purch_detail *) malloc(sizeof(struct purch_detail) * 10);
      tmptr = pd_ptr;

    printf("\nDo you want to create the data file type 'y' for yes and 'n' for no.");
    scanf("%c", &option);

      if( option == 'y' || option == 'Y')
      {    printf("\nYou can generate bill of maximum 10 item.\n");
      elseif( option == 'n' || option == 'N')
       {   getReadFileName(filename);


  void entryData()
      printf("\nEnter item name : ");

      getPosInteger("Enter unit price of the item : ", &tmptr->unit_price);
      getzeroInteger("Enter no of qty purchased : ", &tmptr->qty);

      if(tmptr->qty == 0)

      count ++;
      if (count >= 10)
     /* if ( count % 2 == 0)
if ( (pd_ptr = (struct purch_detail *) realloc(pd_ptr, sizeof(struct purch_detail) * 2)) == NULL)
{ printf("Realloc failed. No enough memory available.");
tmptr++; } } void display() { tmptr = pd_ptr; fprintf(fp,"\nItem Unit Price Quantity Total Price "); fprintf(fp,"\n______________________________________________________"); printf("\nItem Unit Price Quantity Total Price "); printf("\n______________________________________________________"); while(1) { total_price = tmptr->unit_price * tmptr->qty ; fprintf(fp, "\n%-20s %4d %4d %5d", tmptr->item_desc, tmptr->unit_price, tmptr->qty, total_price); printf("\n%-20s %4d %4d %5d", tmptr->item_desc, tmptr->unit_price, tmptr->qty, total_price); //printf(""); total_amt += total_price; count--; if ( count <= 0) break; tmptr++; } fprintf(fp, "\n______________________________________________________"); fprintf(fp, "\n\t\t\t Total Amount : %5d", total_amt); printf("\n______________________________________________________"); printf("\n\t\t\t Total Amount : %5d", total_amt); } void getWriteFileName(char *fname) { printf("Enter Output File name maxium 14 character : "); scanf("%s", fname); if( ( fp = fopen(fname, "wt") ) == NULL ) { fclose(fp); printf("\nInvalid file name entered."); } else entryData(); } void getReadFileName(char *fname) { printf("Enter Input File name maxium 14 character : "); scanf("%s", fname); if( ( fp = fopen(fname, "r+t") ) == NULL ) { fclose(fp); printf("\nInvalid file name entered."); } } void readFile() { char chr; while( feof(fp) == 0) { chr = getc(fp); printf("%c",chr); } } void getName(char *str) { int count1=0; char *getstr; char readch='\0'; int errorflag = 0; fflush(NULL); getstr = str; while(1) { scanf("%c", &readch); if( readch == '\n') break; *getstr = readch; count1++; getstr++; if( count1 >= 20 ) break; } fflush(NULL); if(errorflag) getName(str); *getstr='\0'; } void getzeroInteger(char *_chr, int *_value) { float tempval =1; int _ival=0; printf("\n%s", _chr); _scaint = scanf("%f", &tempval); fflush(NULL); if ( _scaint != 0 ) { _ival = tempval; if ( tempval < 0 ) { printf("%s", "\nYou should enter value greater then or equal to zero. Enter the value again..."); getzeroInteger(_chr, _value); } elseif ( _ival != tempval) { printf("%s", "\nError(decimal value). It will be truncated the digit after the percision. Enter integer number only."); getzeroInteger(_chr, _value); } elseif( ! ( (tempval >= -32768 ) && (tempval <= 32767 ) ) ) { printf("%s", "\nError out of range entry. You should enter integer value in the range of -32768 to 327678 only."); getzeroInteger(_chr, _value); } else { *_value = (int) tempval; } } else { printf("\n%s","Error in entry. Enter integers only."); getzeroInteger(_chr, _value); } } /*************************** Input *******************************

Do you want to create the data file type 'y' for yes and 'n' for no.y

You can generate bill of maximum 10 item.
Enter Output File name maxium 14 character : output.txt

Enter item name : soap

Enter unit price of the item : 12

Enter no of qty purchased : 3

/******************************** OutPut ******************************

Item Unit Price Quantity Total Price
soap 15 3 45
Coco Cola 35 5 175
Cadbury 40 3 120
Total Amount : 340


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Thomas Evans
Thomas Evans author of Bill generator is from London, United Kingdom.
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Partha Pratim Deb from India Comment on: Oct 07
how can i find this valid.c struct,plz mail me to pp_d1986@yahoo.co.in

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