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Program to update stock price using structure pointer

Posted By: Isabella Campbell     Category: C Programming     Views: 4141

Write a program to update stock price using structure pointer.

Code for Program to update stock price using structure pointer in C Programming

#include <stdio.h>
#include <conio.h>

struct stores
   char name[20];
   float price;
   int quantity;

float mul(struct stores *stock);
void update(struct stores*, float, int);

void main()
   float p_incre, value;
   int q_incre;

   struct stores item = {"XYZ", 25.75, 12};
   struct stores *ptr = &item;


   printf("\nInput increment values : ");
   printf("Price increment and quantity increment\n");
   scanf("%f %d", &p_incre, &q_incre);

update(&item, p_incre, q_incre); /**********************************************/
printf("Updated values of item \n\n"); printf("Name : %s\n", ptr->name); printf("Price : %f\n", ptr->price); printf("Quantity : %d\n", ptr->quantity); /**********************************************/
value = mul(&item); /**********************************************/
printf("\nValue of the item = %f\n", value); getch(); } void update(struct stores *product, float p, int q) { product -> price += p; product -> quantity += q; } float mul(struct stores *stock) { return(stock->price * stock ->quantity); } /*************** Input Output ***************
Input increment values : Price increment and quantity increment
Updated values of item

Name : XYZ
Price : 37.750000
Quantity : 34

Value of the item = 1283.500000

**************** ***************/

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Isabella Campbell
Isabella Campbell author of Program to update stock price using structure pointer is from Toronto, Canada.
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