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Program to compute x to the power n using while loop

Posted By: William Evans     Category: C Programming     Views: 27864

Program to compute x to the power n using while loop.

Code for Program to compute x to the power n using while loop in C Programming

       int count, n;                                           
       float x, y;                                             
       printf("Enter the values of x and n : ");               
       scanf("%f %d", &x, &n);                                 
       y = 1.0;                                                
       count = 1;               /* Initialisation */
while ( count <= n) /* Testing */
{ y = y*x; count++; /* Incrementing */
} /* END OF LOOP */
printf("\nx = %f; n = %d; x to power n = %f\n",x,n,y); } Output Enter the values of x and n : 2.5 4 x = 2.500000; n = 4; x to power n = 39.062500 Enter the values of x and n : 0.5 4 x = 0.500000; n = 4; x to power n = 0.062500

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William Evans
William Evans author of Program to compute x to the power n using while loop is from London, United Kingdom.
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