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Program to insert and delete a node from the binary search tree

Posted By: Alice Miller     Category: C Programming     Views: 45791

Program to insert and delete a node from the binary search tree.

Code for Program to insert and delete a node from the binary search tree in C Programming

#include <stdio.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include <alloc.h>

#define TRUE 1
#define FALSE 0

struct btreenode
    struct btreenode *leftchild ;
    int data ;
    struct btreenode *rightchild ;
} ;

void insert ( struct btreenode **, int ) ;
void delete ( struct btreenode **, int ) ;
void search ( struct btreenode **, int, struct btreenode **,
                struct btreenode **, int * ) ;
void inorder ( struct btreenode * ) ;

void main( )
    struct btreenode *bt ;
    int req, i = 0, num, a[ ] = { 11, 9, 13, 8, 10, 12, 14, 15, 7 } ;

    bt = NULL ;  /* empty tree */
clrscr( ) ; while ( i <= 8 ) { insert ( &bt, a[i] ) ; i++ ; } clrscr( ) ; printf ( "Binary tree before deletion:\n" ) ; inorder ( bt ) ; delete ( &bt, 10 ) ; printf ( "\nBinary tree after deletion:\n" ) ; inorder ( bt ) ; delete ( &bt, 14 ) ; printf ( "\nBinary tree after deletion:\n" ) ; inorder ( bt ) ; delete ( &bt, 8 ) ; printf ( "\nBinary tree after deletion:\n" ) ; inorder ( bt ) ; delete ( &bt, 13 ) ; printf ( "\nBinary tree after deletion:\n" ) ; inorder ( bt ) ; } /* inserts a new node in a binary search tree */
void insert ( struct btreenode **sr, int num ) { if ( *sr == NULL ) { *sr = malloc ( sizeof ( struct btreenode ) ) ; ( *sr ) -> leftchild = NULL ; ( *sr ) -> data = num ; ( *sr ) -> rightchild = NULL ; } else/* search the node to which new node will be attached */
{ /* if new data is less, traverse to left */
if ( num < ( *sr ) -> data ) insert ( &( ( *sr ) -> leftchild ), num ) ; else/* else traverse to right */
insert ( &( ( *sr ) -> rightchild ), num ) ; } } /* deletes a node from the binary search tree */
void delete ( struct btreenode **root, int num ) { int found ; struct btreenode *parent, *x, *xsucc ; /* if tree is empty */
if ( *root == NULL ) { printf ( "\nTree is empty" ) ; return ; } parent = x = NULL ; /* call to search function to find the node to be deleted */
search ( root, num, &parent, &x, &found ) ; /* if the node to deleted is not found */
if ( found == FALSE ) { printf ( "\nData to be deleted, not found" ) ; return ; } /* if the node to be deleted has two children */
if ( x -> leftchild != NULL && x -> rightchild != NULL ) { parent = x ; xsucc = x -> rightchild ; while ( xsucc -> leftchild != NULL ) { parent = xsucc ; xsucc = xsucc -> leftchild ; } x -> data = xsucc -> data ; x = xsucc ; } /* if the node to be deleted has no child */
if ( x -> leftchild == NULL && x -> rightchild == NULL ) { if ( parent -> rightchild == x ) parent -> rightchild = NULL ; else parent -> leftchild = NULL ; free ( x ) ; return ; } /* if the node to be deleted has only rightchild */
if ( x -> leftchild == NULL && x -> rightchild != NULL ) { if ( parent -> leftchild == x ) parent -> leftchild = x -> rightchild ; else parent -> rightchild = x -> rightchild ; free ( x ) ; return ; } /* if the node to be deleted has only left child */
if ( x -> leftchild != NULL && x -> rightchild == NULL ) { if ( parent -> leftchild == x ) parent -> leftchild = x -> leftchild ; else parent -> rightchild = x -> leftchild ; free ( x ) ; return ; } } /*returns the address of the node to be deleted, address of its parent and
whether the node is found or not */
void search ( struct btreenode **root, int num, struct btreenode **par, struct btreenode **x, int *found ) { struct btreenode *q ; q = *root ; *found = FALSE ; *par = NULL ; while ( q != NULL ) { /* if the node to be deleted is found */
if ( q -> data == num ) { *found = TRUE ; *x = q ; return ; } *par = q ; if ( q -> data > num ) q = q -> leftchild ; else q = q -> rightchild ; } } /* traverse a binary search tree in a LDR (Left-Data-Right) fashion */
void inorder ( struct btreenode *sr ) { if ( sr != NULL ) { inorder ( sr -> leftchild ) ; /* print the data of the node whose leftchild is NULL or the path has
already been traversed */
printf ( "%d\t", sr -> data ) ; inorder ( sr -> rightchild ) ; } }

Alice Miller
Alice Miller author of Program to insert and delete a node from the binary search tree is from Frankfurt, Germany.
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Tarun Vashisth from India Comment on: Aug 27
Why is it necessary to pass btreenode** as an argument in insert() function but only btreenode* in case of inorder(). As per my knowledge what is required is to just pass a pointer to root node. Can anyone explain me the difference.

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