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Forum updates on "multi language liferay jsf portlet"

multi language liferay jsf portlet
I create liferay jsf portlet. It is working correctly but I have a problem.I use multi resuorce bo...
portlets to run on liferay
About open source portlets,does any body can help me to find open source portlets which could be...
remove configuration icon from a portlet window - liferay
A friend of mine has asked me the following question: "We would like to remove configuration ico...
Liferay Calendar Portlet
I've converted Liferay calendar portlet to solar,but when I want to add event, the date of all of...
Liferay Portlet mode
I wantto change liferay portlet mode in my code, would you mind helpingme by some example! Im usin...
Exo jsf portlet
Does any body worked with exoplatform and has a JSF sample projectworking with it ? I mean the nat...
Has anybody here installed Struts-layout for liferay stuts-based portlet development?
Has anybody here installed Struts-layout for liferay stuts-based portlet development?
Building Portals with the Java Portlet API
I want the ebook of "Building Portals with the Java Portlet API". Ihave a sample of this book that...
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Article updates on "multi language liferay jsf portlet"

This article explains about @@LANGUAGE function in sql server with examples.
An Assembly Language Program to check for Palindrome string
An Assembly Language Program to check for Palindrome string.
An Assembly Language Program sort a given series in ascending order
An Assembly Language Program sort a given series in ascending order.
An Assembly Language Program to find 2's Complement of given binary number
An Assembly Language Program to find 2's Complement of given binary number.
Basic C Programming Language
This article explains about requirement of language, why c, sample programs in c, execution of progr...
Example to display multi dimentional array values using functions
Example to display multi dimentional array values using functions.
Prolog Multi-List Program
Prolog Multi-List Program
Program to illustrate the multi-level inheritance
A C++ Program to illustrate the multi-level inheritance.
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Video updates on "multi language liferay jsf portlet"

Interview FAQ updates on "multi language liferay jsf portlet"

Which of the following languages is not a procedure-oriented programming language?
Options a) ALGOLb) COBOLc) FORTRANd) None of the aboveAnswer : d) None of the abov...
Object-based programming languages do not support
i. Inheritanceii. Dynamic bindingiii. Encapsulationiv. All of the aboveOptions a) Bo...
What makes SQL a nonprocedural language?
SQL determines what should be done, not how it should be done. The database must implement the SQL r...
How can I make sure my C# classes will interoperate with other .NET languages?
Make sure your C# code conforms to the Common Language Subset (CLS). To help with this, add the [ass...
Which of the following is an Object-oriented programming language?
i. Smalltalkii. Object Pascaliii. Javaiv. All of the aboveOptionsa) Both ii and ii...
Which error occur due to poor understanding of the language? - Select option
Optionsa) Logical errorb) Run-Time errorc) Syntax errord) Program errorAnswer : c) Syn...
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