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Personal.xls Workbook Version 2003

  Asked By: Madeleine    Date: Oct 20    Category: MS Office    Views: 1076

I have just upgraded to Excel 2003, and I notice there is no
personal.xls workbook?! How do I store macros so they are available for
all new workbooks I create?

Thanks for whomever answers what is probably an easy question...:-)



3 Answers Found

Answer #1    Answered By: Bernadette Daniels     Answered On: Oct 20

On this link, it talks about how to create a "Personal.xls" workbook  to store
your macros in it.
Plus it also talks about, how to create an "Add-In" ( .xla ) Excel file too.

Answer #2    Answered By: Cecelia Sims     Answered On: Oct 20

I new it had to be something simple.

Answer #3    Answered By: Elliot Evans     Answered On: Oct 20

Just open a new workbook  called personal  put it in Xlstart folder and hide it,
that is all

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