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Prob running workbook activate code when workbook is opened by anot

  Asked By: Kevin    Date: Sep 27    Category: MS Office    Views: 1165

I have a master workbook in which I have written a loop to open 4
other workbooks in turn to run their workbook activate code and then
close them down and open the next one....

When I open the workbooks manually the VBA code in workbook activate
works fine. When I open the workbooks from the VBA code within the
master workbook the workbook opens without a problem but
Sheets("Main").Range("O1").Select has no effect so all the subsequest
processing works on the wrong cell range.

Any ideas what the problem is?



1 Answer Found

Answer #1    Answered By: Dustin Dean     Answered On: Sep 27

Post the code  you are talking about so we can try to see what is going wrong.
Just copy the code from the VBA editor and paste it into an email.

You will probably need to let us see both the code that opens  the workbook  and
the workbook activate  code.

