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Write a script to enhance the calander to accept any month as mm or mmm or only year as yyyy or both month and year

Posted By: Adalfrid Fischer     Category: Unix / Linux / Ubuntu     Views: 3308

Write a script to enhance the calander to accept any month as mm or mmm or only year as yyyy or both month and year.

Code for Write a script to enhance the calander to accept any month as mm or mmm or only year as yyyy or both month and year in Unix / Linux / Ubuntu

if test s# -eq 0 ;then
    echo "Invalid Arguments"elseif test s# -eq 2;then
    if $1 -gt 1999 -o $2 -gt 12;then
        echo "invalid Year or month"else
        cal $1 $2
    ifelseif test s# -eq 1;then
    if test $1 -gt 12;then
        cal $1
         elsecase $1 in 
            01) m = jan;;
            02) m = feb;;
            03) m = mar;;
            04) m = apr;;
            05) m = may;;
            06) m = jun;;
            07) m = jul;;
            08) m = aug;;
            09) m = sep;;
            10) m = oct;;
            11) m = nov;;
            12) m = dec;;
        echo " Calander for $1 Month : "
        cal $m

Adalfrid Fischer
Adalfrid Fischer author of Write a script to enhance the calander to accept any month as mm or mmm or only year as yyyy or both month and year is from Frankfurt, Germany.
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