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write a script to delete zero sized files from a given directory (and all its subdirectories)

Posted By: Bingham Fischer     Category: Unix / Linux / Ubuntu     Views: 6108

write a script to delete zero sized files from a given directory (and all its subdirectories)

Code for write a script to delete zero sized files from a given directory (and all its subdirectories) in Unix / Linux / Ubuntu

for file in *
doif [-f $file -a ! -S $file ]; then 
    echo  "Delete $file [y/n] \c"
    read ans
    while [ans -eq ""]
    read ans
    if[$ans = y -o $ans = Y]
    rm  -f $file
    echo "$file Deleted "

Bingham Fischer
Bingham Fischer author of write a script to delete zero sized files from a given directory (and all its subdirectories) is from Frankfurt, Germany.
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