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To copy 16-bit data from one array to other in reverse order

Posted By: Daisy Brown     Category: Assembly Language     Views: 5268

Program to copy 16-bit data from one array to other in reverse order.

Code for To copy 16-bit data from one array to other in reverse order in Assembly Language

Data Segment
  arr1 dw 'G','L','S','I','C','T'
  arrlen1 dw $-arr1
  arr2 dw 20 dup(''),'$'
  arrlen2 dw $-arr2
Data Ends

Code Segment
  Assume cs:code, ds:data
    mov ax, data
    mov ds, ax
    mov es, ax
    mov cx, arrlen1    
    lea si, arr1+10
    lea di, arr2+10
    rep movsw

       mov ah, 09h
       lea dx, arr2
       int 21h

       mov ax, 4c00h
       int 21h
Code Ends
End Begin


Daisy Brown
Daisy Brown author of To copy 16-bit data from one array to other in reverse order is from London, United Kingdom.
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