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Forum updates on "fixed the find_big_files pl program"

fixed the find_big_files.pl program
I fixed the minor large file problem with find_big_files.pl scriptthat I mentioned here last week....
could someone fix this program for me please?
I have this program that was written in C++ and now I kindatried to change it to Java but I don't ...
convert me this below program first into a new program using the while loop
can anyone convert me this below program first into a newprogram using the while loop. And then th...
Menu program for C Programming
hi below is my program but i can make it run, can someone help me thanks.#include #in...
Ubuntu 9.10 helpful program listing program
From the command prompt type 'software-center' and you should get alisting of many programs which ...
Karmic fixes
Seewww.product-reviews.net/.../karmic-koala-ubuntu-910-list-of-tweaks\-and-fixes/andfollow the...
What needs to be fixed in Unbuntu to stop problems
I'm no computer guru, but I need something explained to me in simple terms.I've had Ubuntu for awh...
wubi-installer (Under Windows) - two fixes to share
Thought I'd share this in case anyone might benefit...I had Ubuntu 8.04 LTS Desktop installed on...
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Article updates on "fixed the find_big_files pl program"

Program to illustrate the implementation of Scaling Transformation along a Fixed Point
Write a program to illustrate the implementation of Scaling Transformation along a Fixed Point.
Write a program of FIXED POINT METHOD.
Program to illustrate the implementation of Scaling Transformation along a Fixed Point
Write a program to illustrate the implementation of Scaling Transformation along a Fixed Point.
Program to illustrate the implementation of Scaling Transformation along Arbitrary Direction
Write a program to illustrate the implementation of Scaling Transformation along Arbitrary Direction...
Program to illustrate the implementation of Rotation Transformation
Write a program to illustrate the implementation of Rotation Transformation.
Program to illustrate the implementation of Rotation Transformation along a Pivot Point
Write a program to illustrate the implementation of Rotation Transformation along a Pivot Point
Program to illustrate the implementation of Reflection Transformation about x-axix, y-axis and w.
Write a program to illustrate the implementation of Reflection Transformation about x-axix, y-axis a...
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Video updates on "fixed the find_big_files pl program"

Interview FAQ updates on "fixed the find_big_files pl program"

Mentioned code will not compile. Identify which line should be changed to fix the error.
Consider the following code segment:1. void main()2. {3. list l;4. list :: it...
What are the various programmed data transfer methods?
i) Synchronous data transfer ii) Asynchronous data transfer iii) Interrupt driven data transfer
What is Program counter?
Program counter holds the address of either the first byte of the next instruction to be fetched for...
Which of the following features that distinguish object oriented programming from conventional
i. Structural designii. Inheritanceiii. Modular programmingiv. bottom-upOptiona) i...
A C++ program structure is based on the concept of
Optionsa) Client-server modelb) N-Tier modelc) Both a and bd) None of the aboveAnswe...
Can I write IL programs directly?
Yes. Peter Drayton posted this simple example to the DOTNET mailing list: .assembly MyAssembl...
Can I use COM components from .NET programs?
Yes. COM components are accessed from the .NET runtime via a Runtime Callable Wrapper (RCW). This wr...
Can I use .NET components from COM programs?
Yes. .NET components are accessed from COM via a COM Callable Wrapper (CCW). This is similar to a RC...
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