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How to Upload a Image in to database (Oracle10g) through Struts App

  Asked By: Diem    Date: Mar 19    Category: Java    Views: 3256

I am facing a problem to upload a image into database. It is
working fine if it is small size of image like 150MB to 200MB. But
if i go for around 800MB - 1GB of image its not storing into
database .....

Database: Oracle10g
Upload image into database through: Struts applicatiom
From: local system to Database
Images: Single image
Image Size: 1GB (max)
Image Format: Upload image file into DB in BLOB format
Enctype: "multipart/form-data"
How to store in DB: Uploaded files in a Folder/a ZIP archive/
Database or in Memory
mime-type (Content-Type): it should support all types of images

Plese help me... its very urgent..
if anyone have the code snippet .... thats a great help 2 me...



1 Answer Found

Answer #1    Answered By: Oliver Evans     Answered On: Mar 19

you must define your image  field in DB as a BLOB. you
can store  a file(image, PDF,...) up to 4GB.

