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problem using struts

  Asked By: Charlie    Date: Jul 13    Category: Java    Views: 833

Using Struts :-

in my application, i have a jsp which when forwarded from an Action class,
will have dynamic number of fields in its form. Now how can I have a dynamic
Form Class to cater this, when the form in this jsp will be submitted ?

or i can not have it like this. and i have to do request.getParameters( ) in
my Action class.

give me some solution, if u have any...

your file upload solution was superb..... thanks for that...



1 Answer Found

Answer #1    Answered By: Melissa King     Answered On: Jul 13

If I understand your question, here is a possible solution.

- Encapsulate all the input fields  in a Struts Action form  class
- In this class, have a Collection attribute to accept input from you
variable number  of fields. In Struts 1.1, Collections are
automatically manages by Struts.
- To display the collection in the JSP, and capture user input for the
collection, use tag iterate, possibly also tag nested.
- After form submit, in the Struts Action class  you only have to
iterate through the collection to get field values.

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