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problem with struts

  Asked By: Wayne    Date: Mar 30    Category: Java    Views: 710

I have a little problem with struts and I can't
find any answer, I hope you can help me.
I have two pages, each page with some form elements
(select, text), I need able to navegate through the
pages using html:link (not summit, action form)
without loose my data in the fields, is that possible?
I can't find a way still, but I guess iy will be very
useful to be able to do that.



1 Answer Found

Answer #1    Answered By: Wendy Harrison     Answered On: Mar 30

The simplest solution is to save them as cookies
on unload and retrieve them on load. Setting them
is easy, but getting them back is a trifle more
tricky, so I'll just refer you to the examples on

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