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Ubuntu Netbook Remix

  Date: Dec 07    Category: Unix / Linux / Ubuntu    Views: 356

Finally got the IMG file downloaded and put the live image on a 1 gig USB.
So far not bad. Later this week I will get a 4 gig chip and do a full
install on it.



2 Answers Found

Answer #1    Answered On: Dec 07    

I downloaded this and used it to repair a broken X config on my Aspire
One (currently running Linpus Lite) - did the job wonderfully ...
considering installing it full-time now ... just need to figure out
how to get rid of the custom interface, and down to a more basic
gnome/xfce front end.

Anyone know what the underlying gui is on UNR?

Answer #2    Answered On: Dec 07    

In Jaunty (9.04), there is an option under preferences (Switch desktop
mode) which allows
you to switch to a std gnome GUI.

Have UNR installed on a Aspire One 10". It runs perfectly; even suspends
and recovers!

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