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wireless setup on Ubuntu Studio 8.04

  Date: Dec 14    Category: Unix / Linux / Ubuntu    Views: 473

I'm new to Linux and just a tad more familiar with Ubuntu. Because
I'm trying to become a networking professional, I wanted to start learning as
much as possible about networking in Linux (and other OSs). With the help of a
friend, I went from a fully Internet capable triple-booting system with Windows
Vista, Ubuntu 8.04, and Studio 8.04 to Vista, Ubuntu 8.10, and Ubuntu Intrepid
8.10 (which I un-installed because I got the impression from a few sites that
there may have been a bug in the final release). I re-installed Studio 8.04 in
its place and I have wireless networking functioning on the other two, but
cannot seem to get it back on on Studio 8.04. My network adapter is not being
detected on my WEP-secured network, but what Studio chooses to pick up is the
RealTek NIC card that I have disabled in Windows.



2 Answers Found

Answer #1    Answered On: Dec 14    

So are any of the distributions on the system detecting the wireless
card or is it that they are not detecting the wireless access point?

How about Vista, how is that behaving for you?

Answer #2    Answered On: Dec 14    

I re-installed Studio 8.04 in its place and I have wireless networking
functioning on the other two, but cannot seem to get it back on on
Studio 8.04. My network adapter is not being detected on my WEP-secured
network, but what Studio chooses to pick up is the RealTek NIC card that
I have disabled in Windows.<

I learnt this only this week, if you want 'network-manager' to look
after you network configuration, then comment out all the entries in
/etc/network/interfaces and then restart.

Whatever you disable in the other OS has no permanent effect when you
boot up any other OS, your adapter has no memory!.
I would suggest that you decide which adapter you want to work on all of
your OS options, stick to that one and then remove any others. My
Realtek rt2500usb adapter is now recognised automatically by Ubuntu
Intrepid 8.10.

If you need to disable it look up 'modprobe' and 'blacklist' to disable
in Ubuntu.

Check your network using 'iwconfig' and if your adapter is not
,recognised try 'hardinfo', and see if hardware driver is installed.
If none, then you can install 'Windoze' drivers using 'ndiswrapper'.
When you install the driver the software lets you know if it has
recognised the hardware.

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