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Ubuntu GNOME Shell Remix 11.10

  Date: Feb 06    Category: Unix / Linux / Ubuntu    Views: 423

Ubuntu without Unity is available. It is Ubuntu with a modified GNOME
shell to look like classic GNOME. Look at it here:



5 Answers Found

Answer #1    Answered On: Feb 06    

I am trialling Gnome Shell Without Unity,Can you advise me where the
shutdown/restart is?Suspend shuts the computer down but there doesn't appear
to be a restart function?

Answer #2    Answered On: Feb 06    

To Power Off you use the ALT when you hover over Suspend and it changes to
Power Off. I think this may be changed shortly. I am still on GNOME 3.1.x
but GNOME 3.2 is out and I think that it has a proper Power off option
without Alt. If not, now you know. I don't know who dreams this stuff
up sometimes and how they get into important decision making positions. This
has led many users to say the same thing.

This is a good guide to GNOME 3: http://live.gnome.org/GnomeShell/CheatSheet

Answer #3    Answered On: Feb 06    

Lean on the Alt key while you are mousing to "suspend."

Answer #4    Answered On: Feb 06    

I am having a problem in GNOME shell now. The top menu is unreadable. When
I change themes from Unity's Ambiance to GNOME's default Adwaia, it almost
clears up but it is still fuzzy. When I use Adwaita in Unity it is ugly.
They two DEs, Unity and GS, do not seem to be all that compatible. I am
using Unity 2D now. It is faster, crisper and am quite enjoying it. I am
still frustrated with the bad implementation of workspaces and the
inability to drag from one to the other. But aside from that it is a good

Answer #5    Answered On: Feb 06    

Look at the bottom bar of the sign on window

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