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Installing Ubuntu on HP's tx2500z

  Date: Dec 13    Category: Unix / Linux / Ubuntu    Views: 671

I'm scouring Ubuntu-focused forums and chat rooms to see what problems
folks are running into installing 8.04 or 8.10 on HP's tx2500z. So far
the verdict seems mixed, but scary enough to give me pause.
Nonetheless, I just ordered a tx2500z--won't get built until later
this December--and would much rather have Ubuntu on it than Vista.

So my question is, have things stabilized to the point where its safe
for a total Ubuntu and Linux novice like me (if it involves using
terminal or installing drivers I'm totally lost) to go ahead or should
I not chance it? Also, I'd like to be able to boot into both Ubuntu
and Vista. Does that complicate things unnecessarily?

And, finally, would I be better off going with Dell's Inspiron Mini 12
(not the same class of machine as the tx2500z I realize) with Ubuntu
already installed?

Bottom line for me: installation has to be turn-key and work right out
of the box. I know folks have tweaked it and gotten it to work, but
that's not for me. I won't be able to handle that.



11 Answers Found

Answer #1    Answered On: Dec 13    

if you just put in the disc and choose the LIVE CD, it runs right
off the disk. You'll know pretty quick if there is going to be a
problem. Its a bit slow to get going I found on some machines but, try it.

Answer #2    Answered On: Dec 13    

I am a newbie also, and I installed 8.04 on a desk top, dual boot with
Only problem I had was setting up the wireless and had to buy a new wireless
card, downloaded the current drivers for XP and now it works fine with

8.04 is stable, and easy to use in my opinion only, plus it will be supported
for several more years.

Answer #3    Answered On: Dec 13    

I would suggest a visit to HP's website, and search for machines that
already have Linux on them.

Why install Ubuntu if it can come already pre-installed? All I hear
now days in my community is how unhappy people are with Vista, You
would think that the computer manufacturers would be quick to supply
all there systems ready for people to change over, but then the
highest computer return rate is on Linux machines according to stats.
Most likely the reason this is true software porting of names people
expect to find. To bad most games use the directX interface making
game writing harder without it. Of course directX is one of the back
end security issues in dose, so do you really want it?

The manufacture that wants to have Linux compatible machines, make
models that use equipment known to work with it. There are to many
manufacturers trying to get windozes approval to be sure all equipment
works well on both systems.

My Toshiba L305 has cousins that were make to work using Linux, but my
full model number search on the Toshiba site has no compatibility for
Linux, what I needed to make it compatible was a WiFi USB adapter that
listed Linux as an OS. The WebCam is also an issue. The biggest
problem making things work on such a system is the tooth pulling
effort getting what model number and make parts are in the thing. You
can read how I felt at my blog simplyrv.imnugget.com You can save
yourself the search for a compatible card because I put up the link to
the product there that is PnP. Or just get a system known to work,
that is the simple way to do it.

I am also a newbie only used Ubuntu for a couple of months, but
Windoze is off my machine completely. I like the Open Source programs
available to us and no longer look for doze compatible programs. I
just update the package manager and look for something listed there,
unlike all packaged software, I can try all projects if I want to find
a fit, how can you do better than that?

Answer #4    Answered On: Dec 13    

I'm not unhappy with Vista but use XP and Ubuntu as well. Some like to
have both as options.

Answer #5    Answered On: Dec 13    

I understand that. I would have kept the doze on my machine had I not
found an answer to the Wifi issue. If I used a wireless card I may
have wanted windows but I gave up on Verizon wireless because of the
support issue and I was unhappy with Vista that comes on new PC computers.

I think that Linux has hit mainstream and feel Microsoft is helping it
take over fast given it's present operating system. Microsoft can't
move quick enough to stop the damage because it has to pay for
development of anything new, (the advantage of open source). If times
were as it was with ME Microsoft would not be in danger of loosing
it's lead, but Linux is very stable and people are trying it on for
there use. What is complained about is WiFi, WebCams and lack of
commercial software. These issues can be overcome with experience and
many questions or shopping for the right computer that is set up to
run Linux out of the box, and there are many systems out there that
are "Linux Ready" and the best choice when buying new.

It is better to buy a license for Windows and put it on a machine
already running Linux, than to hope everything works going the other
way around, thus reducing the load on the developers so they can spend
more time on improving Linux.

Here are the reasons to recommend this:

1) The new owner will be happy when everything works without any
problems. and Recommend our choice to others rather than give up on
it. If I didn't hate Vista I would have gone back and given up on
Linux because of the learning curve making all my hardware work.

2) The more people there are that request Linux machines can only help
manufacturers of systems understand the should be ready for the
future, and Linux is the future and the present.

3) Documented sales of Linux machines will prompt software producers
and other providers to port to, or design for Linux.

The goal of Linux users and developers should be helping people
understand how to move easily to Linux, pointing them to the right
buying choices is the best way to do that. And not try to make Linux
mimic Windows. Rather mimic Microsoft in putting pressure on the
hardware manufacturers to make machines ready for Linux.

Wouldn't it be easier to tell suppliers you won't buy anything that
you can't load Linux on rather than letting them think you will buy
something that is less than what you need? You can buy a system ready
for Linux on the Web, but you are hard pressed to buy one at the local
store, Why should we accept that when we are looking for a Linux machine?

Answer #6    Answered On: Dec 13    

You are seriously deprived if you lack individual independent shops that
supply just what you want, a computer to your spec with no operating
system. Here in the UK you do not have to shop at PC world, we have two
places we can buy what we want.

Dell will load linux for you.

MS will still be around for many years to come. Linux versions will just
keep going also, neither will take over the world.

Sorry to disappoint you but its only much older hardware that will not
work first time. Mine all works on 8.10.

Answer #7    Answered On: Dec 13    

You can install and duel boot with XP or Vista and as long as your
motherboard and processor are not out of the ark you should have not
trouble. Of course not all hardware will work and so you may have to go
to the web site of the hardware manufacturer for drivers.

Answer #8    Answered On: Dec 13    

Interesting responses and a lively dialog, but none of it gets me any
closer to knowing whether trying to install Ubuntu on a tx2500z works
or requires tweaking. I need to hear from folks who have done it (or
tried and failed), what problems they encountered and how they solved
them. So I'd like to repeat my request: did you do it and how'd it go?

Answer #9    Answered On: Dec 13    

I installed 8.04 on a dv2000. the only issue I had was getting the
Broadcom WiFi interface to work. Ndiswrapper eventually solved the

Answer #10    Answered On: Dec 13    

you may find it a long wait to find someone who has just you set
up. Why not just try it with a live CD of Ubuntu and see if it runs OK
before installing it, it is free after all.

Answer #11    Answered On: Dec 13    

check this page out http://narnia.cs.ttu.edu/drupal/node/183

This link forum.notebookreview.com/showthread.php?t=287367 is
another link for your question.

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