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ubuntu to install on a Compaq Presario 1200 laptop

  Date: Dec 13    Category: Unix / Linux / Ubuntu    Views: 624

I finally got ubuntu to install (after 6 or 8 tries) on a Compaq Presario
1200 laptop. I am not sure it took all the programs/files while installing,
but it will boot up to the gnome desktop nicely.

I have a wireless card in it which seems to be functioning fine, and I can
see where it recognizes two available hosts, including mine. I cannot seem
to come up with what I need to do to complete the connection to the D-link
wireless router...



3 Answers Found

Answer #1    Answered On: Dec 13    

You'll have to give the group a little more information concerning your
hardware and the wireless network configuration:

1. Laptop wireless hardware, "lspci" output in a terminal session.

2. Router configuration:
a. Is DHCP on?
b. Are you using encryption? If so WEP or WPA?
c. Channel?

3. Is Network Manager installed on your laptop?

4. Is the firmware installed for your card in "/lib/firmware/"kernel"/

5. Check that your hardware is supported and the wireless help
documentation here: <https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CommonQuestions>

Answer #2    Answered On: Dec 13    

Wireless hardware is a D-link PCMIA card and comes up fine ath0.
Is and, and WEP is enabled. The card under ubuntu connects fine with the
Using network manager, the connection here, as well as the neighbors show up
just fine.
It just isn't picking up the routers DSL Internet connection...

Answer #3    Answered On: Dec 13    

if you get a response when pinging yahoo at:


Then no DNS server is being set automaticly.

You can manually set it in "/etc/resolv.conf. For example:

/etc$ cat resolv.conf

If ping fails, then the Gateway is probably not set.

Type "route" and see if there is a default gateway address that is set
to the routers address (ie in my case!)

You could use "route" to set the default gateway, but I am not sure of
the syntax right now. If all else fails disable or remove network
manager and configure the wireless via:

System - Administration - Networking.

Wifi-radar is an alternative for dynamic wireless connection and it
works better on many machines than network-manager.

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