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Problem launching WINE Micro$oft Windows programs from Applications / WINE / menu

  Date: Dec 31    Category: Unix / Linux / Ubuntu    Views: 527

I have three (3) Micro$oft Windows executable files, which are games. I have
placed them in a folder within the WINE "drive_c" e.g.


and so on.

If I open the folder /home/peter/.wine/drive_c/Games/ then I can see the
files (3 different game M$ Windows exe's). If I select one file the .exe
files, say "hangaroo.exe" then I can right-mouse click on it and select
"Open with WINE Windows Emulator" & the exe will open correctly and run I
expect it to do.

So far so good. (nb -- these are freeware programs!)

Now I have used the Ala Carte Menu Editor and added under the Applications /
WINE group the menu items for each of the three (3) game M$ Windows exe

Now for the problem: when I select one of my three menu items (for one of
the game Windows .exe files), I get the following error message:

Could not launch menu item
Failed to execute child process
"/home/peter/.wine/drive_c/Games/hangaroo.exe" (Permission denied)

I don't understand what I'm doing wrong!

As I said, if I select "Applications / WINE / Browse C:\ Drive ... then open
the Games folder, I can select the exe file and right-mouse click on it and
select "Open with WINE Windows Emulator" and it will run okay without any

Can someone please help me to work out what I need to do so that I can run
these .exe games from the Applications / WINE / menu.



11 Answers Found

Answer #1    Answered On: Dec 31    

I am coming to the conclusion that Ubuntu is not an operating system,
it is a hobby. I am about at my wits end with trying to run
applications from windows on Wine. As you have found out, they seem to
work and do to an extent but not all the way. So what good is it?
If you ask at the Ubuntu Forums they just tell you to quit being lazy
and figure it out.
In my case I've got this camera plugged in. The device manager can see
it and when I turn the power off and on I can see it come and go in
the device manager. It is correctly labeled as to manufacturer. But
when I try to access it from my windows software under wine, forget it.

I wanted to do Linux to pursue my hobby, but this has turned into a
hobby all by itself

Answer #2    Answered On: Dec 31    

Its not a hobby - though I believe many (far too many) make any OS a
hobby instead of a tool. I have found WINE works for some things but for
most it does not. When I first moved to ubuntu I wanted many of my MS
apps to work on linux. I learned that that was not an obtainable goal -
nor should it be.

I use several cameras under Ubuntu. Your camera is a tool - as is this
OS. You dont have to use the windows software to get the data on the
camera tool - you choose to. And that is fine. However, perhaps it might
be asked why you do not just important them into a folder and use those
pictures for whatever you use them for?

Answer #3    Answered On: Dec 31    

I am a little taken aback by the OS/hobby comment. Ubuntu is an
OS: what did you expect it to be? For me, it is also a hobby. That
is to say, installing and testing various OS'es is a hobby.

That said, why are you so hung up on Wine? If you have windows
software to run, just run it in windows. Problem solved.

After all, I'm guessing that you aren't trying to run any linux
software in a windows environment, so why get frazzled trying to do
the reverse.

Well, that's my two-cents worth. Have a great day in whichever OS
works for you.

Answer #4    Answered On: Dec 31    

Mine hobby is astrophotography. When I heard you could run Windows
apps on Linux I thought I would switch, as I don't care for
Microsoft's "rule the world" attitude. It seems to me you should be in
agreement since trying to get Ubuntu to work is your hobby

> That said, why are you so hung up on Wine?

Because it is supposed to run Windows apps but doesn't?

> After all, I'm guessing that you aren't trying to run any linux
> software in a windows environment, so why get frazzled trying to do
> the reverse.

No one ever claimed you could do that, and there are no apps to run on
Windows that are made for Linux that I can use, even if you could

I just spent several days trying to get a wireless card to work, so I
could try to get to the internet, so I could try to get my astronomy
apps to work. I tried to get help but was insulted and given bad and
even malicious instructions. I might continue to try to use Linux but
only as a curious hobby. Usually you use a computer to speed up the
completion of a task. This reminds me of the days of the Apple II.
Seems like by far Linux is used to play games. And before all the game
plays jump down my throat, I have no problem with people playing games
on their computer, I just want to do something a little more serious.

Answer #5    Answered On: Dec 31    

I'm sorry you have had disappointment with a wireless card but there are
only certain cards that work with linux - these are listed. I choose not
to bother and switch to Powerline which i find excellent... some view it
as a cheaper solution... others a trouble free solution!

Regarding wine - it only works with certain applications. Before you
ditch the idea of linux how about looking at the VM route. Try a few
distros... for your particular application you may find that
Debian/Suse/or xxxxx offers something that ubuntu doesn't. I like ubuntu
but one app 'vym' i want to run ver 1.10.0 is not available in feisty or
gutsy but will be in the new LTS version some 6 months away.

Answer #6    Answered On: Dec 31    

I would add that ubuntu is not intebnded to run windows programs. Wine
is awork in progress, intended to assist you in running windows
applications. Some work and some dont. I also use winedoors which
helps. Its new and some things dont work in it either. You can dual
boot with a windows os while looking for a sutible replacement.Ubuntu
is great to only be 4 years old.

Answer #7    Answered On: Dec 31    

It was a Linksys WMP54G. After several days I got it to work by
unchecking "Enable Wireless" and the rechecking it.

What is "VM" ???
An application?

Answer #8    Answered On: Dec 31    

VM = virtual machines.
In linux one can install ONE of i think three VM programs that create a
windows environment on a linux OS in order that a windows programme will
run e.g. adobe photoshop. All in the repository - but haven't got round
to trying it yet!

Answer #9    Answered On: Dec 31    

Everyone here would help but if you are like me you run both and get the
best of both worlds.

Answer #10    Answered On: Dec 31    

I did a quick check on google and found this:
Sounds like this guy is developing a program to do what you want.

Here is another link:

But this link might be the most promising:

Answer #11    Answered On: Dec 31    

Do you really need to the windows program? I have been using ubuntu
for the last year for my personal PC and I just plug my canon into the
usb and ubuntu asks me if i want to import the photos. If you are
looking for a cataloging program, I would suggest F-Spot or Google's
picassa. Both work great.

The thing about WINE is it is not an operating system. It is just an
emulator. The way I understand it is that when the windows program
communicates with the OS, it expects certain things to be there. the
emulator, mimics the expect behavior. One thing you camera program
might be expecting to find is its specific windows camera drive.
Since that does not exist in your linux and nobody has had the
interest to translate it, the program will fail to, minimally,
communicate with the camera.