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Drives in Wine

  Date: Dec 06    Category: Unix / Linux / Ubuntu    Views: 444

Ubuntu managed, again, to solve my initial problems with Wine on its own,
but now I've come across one that really isn't its fault. You see, I have two
partitions on my drive. I use the first for OSs and the second for Data. Now,
the problem here is that, for a program that I'm running under Wine, I need to
get access to my Data drive, but Wine doesn't seem to notice it. I've tried
googling this and have become lost in a sea of mounting and command line talk.
Any ideas?



1 Answer Found

Answer #1    Answered On: Dec 06    

Well, it would seem that I've solved the problem myself. Simply make a link to a
file *in* the drive. I guess I should have thought of that.

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