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Wine & PAF

  Date: Dec 09    Category: Unix / Linux / Ubuntu    Views: 617

Running a genealogy program "PAF5" under Wine and UBUNTU.

Problem - none of the dialog pop-up's will allow me to enter a file path nor do
they show a default path.

Tried with PAF on a DOS partition and with it on a Linux partition, no



1 Answer Found

Answer #1    Answered On: Dec 09    

I've never tried PAF on wine before, always used Gramps myself.
However just downloaded and installed paf5.2.
Atm using ubuntu 8.10. It installed fine though I need to run it from
a custom launcher, the installed desktop shortcut will not work.
Not sure which dialog pop-ups you are refering to but everything seems
to work fine for me. What you do need to do is configure wine, if you
don't have your audio set-up configured then it will have a breakdown.

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