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Installed Wine and Wine-door

  Date: Dec 09    Category: Unix / Linux / Ubuntu    Views: 368

I just recently installed Ubuntu using Wubi, and I'm having a great
time with it. As can be expected from someone who'd never touched Linux in his
life, I've got a couple of questions.

First of all, I know that Windows and Linux have some readability issues, but I
was wondering if it matters when it comes to actual file type. That is, if I
were to save a file as .doc in Ubuntu, and sent it to someone using Windows,
could they read it? That's really the most important one.

Secondly, I installed Wine and Wine-door, but I originally just downloaded the
installer and ran it before doing anything in Synaptic Packages. As a result,
Wine-doors, upon start-up, was unable to download any of the packages that I was
told I should install with it. Well, I've sorted the synaptic stuff out, but I
still don't have any packages in Wine-door, and I'm kind of at a loss. Hm, this
is getting long, I think I'll just do one more.

Ok, this one is just a convenience thing. In Windows, I was a big fan of
Strokeit, the mouse gestures program. I understand that Ubuntu has something
similar, but I haven't been able to get much info on it.



5 Answers Found

Answer #1    Answered On: Dec 09    

First of all, I know that Windows and Linux have some readability
issues, but I was wondering if it matters when it comes to actual file
type. That is, if I were to save a file as .doc in Ubuntu, and sent it
to someone using Windows, could they read it? That's really the most
important one.

I relatively new to Ubuntu as well. I don't think this (above) is a problem but
if you want to send me a sample file, I'll try to open/read it with windows.

Answer #2    Answered On: Dec 09    

.doc files saved in OpenOffice will open fine in Windows based office programs.
The great beauty of OpenOffice is that it will open .docx files, that is the
default of Office2007.
OpenOffice will also save files in .pdf form.
Frankly, I think it's amazing that we have such a versatile program for free.
Just as a matter of interest if you use Scribus you will need to have data saved
in OpenOffice format to paste the data into Scribus. All .doc files can be saved
in OpenOffice format. Personally if I want an .odt file I just open the .doc
file and resave as an .odt file so I have both versions.

Answer #3    Answered On: Dec 09    

Thanks, that's what I tried for that. Just after sending this, I realized that I
had an easy way of testing it, so I sent myself a .doc file, and opened it
flawlessly on an XP computer.

Answer #4    Answered On: Dec 09    

As strokeit, you can use compiz which you can download directly from the
repository by typing : sudo apt-get install compiz in the console.

Answer #5    Answered On: Dec 09    

I have compiz, I use it for the super awesome effects that make this thing so
worth it. I can't seem to find a mouse gestures option. Is it possibly somewhere
I haven't looked?

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