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Lost Desktop Control

  Date: Jan 21    Category: Unix / Linux / Ubuntu    Views: 430

I got up this morning, checked email and what not and I went to move my mouse..
I couldnt click on anything. The only way to get back control again is to hard
boot your computer. I've gone in through recovery and looked at the logs but Im
not seeing anything that sets off any alarms.

Right now I have it booted up normally. I was able to turn on gedit .. thats
all. I cant even ctl+tab to move to another open app. No key combination will
restart, move the cursor... anything.

This is basically a rant more than anything as the first two times asking for
help on multiple groups all got the me the same answers: no idea.



7 Answers Found

Answer #1    Answered On: Jan 21    

First is this a wired mouse, or wireless?
If wired no idea, if wireless check or just change the battery.

Answer #2    Answered On: Jan 21    

both have the same issue.
Also, cant use the keys on the keyboard to switch between apps and I cant
click on the menu of apps - like File to click save or to exit.

Answer #3    Answered On: Jan 21    

Thought I would let every one know. Some one has put out an VIRUS for linux. It
is harmless but does cause the computer to freeze up. I found it after my
computer froze many times and I started looking though the files. I had to live
boot off of Puppy to get into the files without the computer freezing up.

Answer #4    Answered On: Jan 21    

Freeze up as in you loose control of everything or, freeze up as in things
work but you just cant click on anything?

Answer #5    Answered On: Jan 21    

My opinion is try to select Xterm in the Sessions at bootup and start some
programs at the command prompt to see what happens
Someting like:


Then try to use it, then close it down

ooffice -writer

Try to use it, then close it down

Then install some other WM or DE or install several WMs or DEs, lof out from
xterm, select another DE, log into it, try to use it, if it is fully functional
then it is OK, log out, select another DE or WM, log into it, try to use it, if
it can be used it is OK.

Answer #6    Answered On: Jan 21    

I think it was an older virus just hanging around on an system, probly on one
will use. It was an click off virus. Just told the system any mouse or keypad
click was off. Almost like one that was for windows back in the 80's.

Answer #7    Answered On: Jan 21    

Any report of viruses or malware in Linux is taken *very* seriously,
which is one of the reasons that we keep on top of these things. Any
attack vector is analyzed thoroughly and vulnerabilities plugged ASAP.

That's why we are showing so much interest in what happened. Please
can you check the Clam AV logs and post what it says about this
detection !

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