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GPRS Internet Connection Settings

  Date: Jan 04    Category: Unix / Linux / Ubuntu    Views: 358

I have Subscribed Airtel GPRS Internet Connection here in Gujarat,
India. I have a motorola L6 cellphone. The GPRS internet works well as
Motorola Phone Tools software provides nice facility for Internet
Connection in Windows. But when I tried to setup my GPRS connection in
KPPP in Fedora 7 & Using wvdial in Ubuntu, I faced same error as "Exit
Code 16". Both os(fedora 7 & Ubuntu) detects my cellphone modem
perfactly as a device /dev/ttyACM0. But whenever I tried to connect to
Internet, It gives me same problem. Now I have 2 Os (Windows XP sp2 &
Ubuntu 7.04).
Anybody know the solution for this in Ubuntu?



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