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Dial-up internet connection sharing

  Date: Jan 04    Category: Unix / Linux / Ubuntu    Views: 506

I have just installed the Ubuntu linux on my pc. But I still mantain the
windows installation on it, because I have a dial-up internet connection and
my family is not very familiar with Ubuntu, and I need to share the internet
(actually, I'm the only one who is playing Ubuntu). On windows, I know how
to share an internet connection with the other pc I have here, through a
network (my pc, the one with ubuntu, is the "internet provider"). But when
I'm on Ubuntu, the other pc cannot acess internet, just because I don't know
how to share the connection.

1 - Is it possible to share a dial-up connection from a Linux to a Windows
2 - How can I do this?

I've searched a lot about this, and I haven't found any tutorial or howto
yet. Actually, I've found a lot, but most of them teaches how to share a
broadband internet connection, which is much more easier. ( I think so =D )

I know it's a hard work for a very little benefit (dial-up connection speeds
sucks), but I hope I can learn very much from this case. And still there
isn't any broadband providers that reach my city, so this is the only
"solution" I have at the moment. If you have any tutorial or if you know how
can I do this, please, reply to this thread.



2 Answers Found

Answer #1    Answered On: Jan 04    

use the command

# pppconfig

to create a dialup connection. u need root privileges to do this. u have to
know the name of the modem device. y'l find out how it works.. its an
interactive tool to config dialup connections. just find out the name of
your modem device. If u're not connecting it to your com ports, then monitor
the System->Administration->system log and then connect the modem to the
computer. the name of the device will show up in the system log

Answer #2    Answered On: Jan 04    

If it is a extral dial up modem hook up via
USB Forget it. It is not going to be very easy and not going to happen. If a
internal dial up modem there is plenty of help.

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