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Network Icon shows a red X but still able to connect to Internet Just Fine

  Date: Dec 06    Category: Unix / Linux / Ubuntu    Views: 521

this might have been answered before, not for sure, but here is a

I came from Ubuntu 7.10, Gusty, downloaded the next LTS, then updated to 8.10,
and then updated to 9.04. When I updated to 9.04 however I get the red X like I
am not connected, I am though. How do I know? Because I am using it right now

Question is there anyway to get it off? Should I be worried when I upgrade to
Ubuntu 9.10?



2 Answers Found

Answer #1    Answered On: Dec 06    

My personal experience with updating from OS to OS, unless its LTS to
LTS, its that problems creep up that are strange and bothersome.

I had some problem on the 8 series that just wouldnt go away until I
just backed up, installed from scratch, restored my data - and it was

Its not a problem since your connection is working but it sucks to see it.

Answer #2    Answered On: Dec 06    

Oh I found out how to do it, I uninstall Network Manager and Install Wicd, and
it works like a charm!

Sometimes I can find you just have to search for the answer, oh btw I found the
answer Ubuntuguide.org, it worked great for me

