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How to enter values from a user form in excel spreadsheet

  Asked By: Harley    Date: Dec 12    Category: MS Office    Views: 1336

I have a userform and I need to enter the values from this form to the
worksheet. Every time the user enters something in the form, they need
to be entered at the end of the existing rows in the worksheet.

I am new to VBA. Any help would be appreciated.



1 Answer Found

Answer #1    Answered By: Laurie Lawrence     Answered On: Dec 12

well getting the last row is easy... range("A65535").end(xlup).row will give
you the last used row... so you just have to assign that + 1 to get the next
empty row.. for ex.

irow = range("A65535").end(xlup).row +1

then the data would be put at ... range("A" & irow).value = data....

hope this helps... if you need more help  i'd need to see what code you use now
to get the data from the form  to the spreadsheet

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