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Cant display information

  Asked By: Nichole    Date: Apr 10    Category: Java    Views: 589

could anyone help me out with displaying information from my Vehicle
class through my Controller class to my View class. i want to display
the car details onscreen without any print() lines in the vehicle or
controller classes. has any 1 got a solution heres some code.

Vehicle Class

private int findVehicle(String regNo) {

int location = -1;

for(int i = 0; i < vector.size(); i++) {
if(vector.get(i) instanceof Car) {
Car car = (Car)vector.get(i);
if(car.getRegNo().equalsIgnoreCase(regNo)) {
location = i;
if(vector.get(i) instanceof Van) {
Van van = (Van)vector.get(i);
if(van.getRegNo().equalsIgnoreCase(regNo)) {
location = i;
return location;

public void displayDetails(String regNo) {

Controller Class

private void displayDetails() {
String regNo = output.getTheRegNo();





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