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cant boot any windows cd after installing ubuntu

  Date: Feb 12    Category: Unix / Linux / Ubuntu    Views: 441

I installed 12.04 on my laptop to get used to using.
I had a issues with my xp install and I put in my xp cd and
when I turn on the computer, I hear the drive start to spin
up but then the purple screen that shows Ubuntu, Ubuntu
Recovery, Mem test and Windows XP comes up and doesnt
allow me to boot from the cd.

Thinking it was my XP cd, I tried a backup xp cd. I tried a
vista cd. I tried a win 7 cd. None of them will work. I tried
a 9.11, 10.04 and 12.04 ubuntu cd and they all work right

Any idea why this is?



2 Answers Found

Answer #1    Answered On: Feb 12    

Did you check the laptop's BIOS? Is it still set to boot CD first?

Answer #2    Answered On: Feb 12    

Check your BIOS settings first.

Installing Ubuntu would not have changed that but sometimes strange things
happen when we are clicking this and that. You don't say what
was wrong with Windows and what you were doing. It could have happened
there as well (more likely IMO). In the end it does not matter where it
happened, but I have installed hundreds of distros and never seen it on the
Linux side. It is not likely the disk since you have tried several. It may
be the drive and just a coincidence that it went wonky now which would not
be good news.

If the BIOS does not fix it then you could try cleaning the drive. I am not
a hardware expert so am interested in the suggestions of others, too.

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