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Posted By: Sarita Patel     Category: SQL Server     Views: 1920

This article explains about @@SERVERNAME function in sql server with examples.

@@SERVERNAME function is used to get name of the local server running sql server.

Syntax of @@SERVERNAME Function :


Return type of @@SERVERNAME function is nvarchar.

Examples of @@SERVERNAME Function :

Example 1 : Use of @@SERVERNAME function in select clause



Above example returns local server running i.e ABC\SQLEXPRESS.

Note that sql server setup sets the server name to the computer name during installation. Change @@SERVERNAME by using sp_addserver and then restarting SQL Server. 

With multiple instances of SQL Server installed, @@SERVERNAME returns the following local server name information if the local server name has not been changed since setup. 


Server information

Default instance


Named instance


Virtual server - default instance


Virtual server - named instance


@@SERVERNAME function and the SERVERNAME property of SERVERPROPERTY function may return strings with similar formats, the information can be different. The SERVERNAME property automatically reports changes in the network name of the computer.

@@SERVERNAME does not report such changes. @@SERVERNAME reports changes made to the local server name using the sp_addserver or sp_dropserver stored procedure.

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Sarita Patel
Sarita Patel author of @@SERVERNAME - SERVERNAME Function is from United States.
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