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Program to read two floating point no from key board and perform arithmetic operations

Posted By: Raymond Fischer     Category: C Programming     Views: 4519

Write a program to read two floating point no from key board and perform arithmetic operations.

Code for Program to read two floating point no from key board and perform arithmetic operations in C Programming

#include <stdio.h>
#include <conio.h>
void main()
float x,y;
float add,mul,divi,sub;
printf("enter any two float no : ");
add =  x + y;
sub =  x - y;
mul =  x * y;
divi = x / y;
printf("addition :%f\nsubtraction :%f\n",add,sub);
printf("multiplication :%f\ndivdsion :%f",mul,divi);

Raymond Fischer
Raymond Fischer author of Program to read two floating point no from key board and perform arithmetic operations is from Frankfurt, Germany.
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